Author Archives: Health

How to prepare to bottom diet

Here is a tricky issue for most gay men who enjoy anal sex : how to have a clean bottom to avoid unpleasant surprises. Some gay men chose to clean their bottoms with some sophisticated sex toys, but all that work can be avoided with a simple, yet patient task: a diet. The result of… Read More »

Keto diet fish cutlets

When I was a kid and hated fresh fish, the only way I could stand it was in a fish cake. If there was enough seasoning to mask the fish flavor, and enough breading to make the texture unrecognizable, then I was tentatively on board. If it had a delicious sauce that I could slather… Read More »

Why do low carb diets work?

Most of these potential benefits have strong or moderate scientific support see references higher up on the page. Perreault L. Keto skillet pizza. Some studies show that you may shed some weight because the extra protein and fat helps you feel full longer, which helps you eat less. Contrary to older misconceptions, a recent meta-analysis… Read More »

How to get iodine in diet naturally

Iodine status of pregnant women and women of reproductive age in the United States. Food safety when cooking Most foods should be cooked to at least 75? As an adolescent boy aged 14 to 18 you need enough nutritious food to help you grow and develop Kilojoules on the menu Arabic Kilojoule labelling is now… Read More »