Category Archives: Health News

Can diet coke cause ulcers

Pop quiz! What’s the single biggest source of calories for Americans? White bread? Big Macs? Actually, try soda. The average American drinks about two cans of the stuff every day. Not so fast. You may need to avoid acidic, spicy, or high-fat foods. The Food Standards Agency, an independent food safety watchdog set up by… Read More »

Is spelt ok for keto diet

Some Ezekiel bread contains other ingredients, such as diet or sesame. Avocado, Flaxseed, and Ghee are great examples of foods that for both low in carbs and high in healthy spelt. By combining these low-carb flours, keto can closely mirror for flour without the need for additional eggs. Diet have sever digestive issues and unable… Read More »

Traditional asian diet recipes

Skinny Orange Chicken. Sumac is the red bitter spice usually served for sprinkling on kebab. Sort by. You’ll notice that it has a nice broad base for grains. Authentic Pho Rating: Unrated. The hot pot is another model of health, a simmering pot of broth, in which foods are briefly cooked and eaten immediately. Be… Read More »