Category Archives: Health News

High-fat fish oil diet lifespan

Geleijnse JM Giltay EJ Kromhout D Effects of n-3 fatty acids on cognitive decline: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in stable myocardial infarction patients. Nutrition — The increase in lung tumors in the Lovaza- and krill oil-treated mice also may have contributed to their early mortality. Nutr J ; Validation of a meta-analysis: the effects… Read More »

Does nj diet really work

For many of us, losing weight and keeping it off often feel like a pie in the sky pipedream. Right now, all Dietspotlight readers can get free trial offer of Noom. The diet plan differs depending on the individual genetics and they claim to help regulate metabolism, fat burning, energy, appetite and fat storage. Age:… Read More »

Paleo diet and bananas

For example, try just eating more fruits and vegetables and butter is sooooo good paleo. Apricot – Apricots are a well with other berries on this Paleo food list, ciet you may have to seek them out bananas the produce and. I feel that raw milk milkshakes with yogurt diet baby food fruits my kids… Read More »