Category Archives: Health News

Texas’ hospital system confirms its first case of new COVID-19 lambda variant

Loading the player… Just when people were beginning to wrap their heads around the delta variant of COVID-19, this week, Texas’ hospital system has become the first to report a case of the lambda variant. According to ABC News, Monday, Houston Methodist Hospital, which operates eight hospitals in its network, confirmed its first case of the… Read More »

Studies confirm that hormone levels in trans women are not greatly affected by PrEP, or vice versa

Paired studies in Brazil with transgender women who took gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) and PrEP have found that levels of GAHT were not affected by PrEP, nor PrEP levels by GAHT, to a degree likely to make a clinical difference. Presenting the studies to the 11th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2021)… Read More »

Bangladesh re-enters its ‘strictest’ coronavirus lockdown yet after Eid break

Along with the police and other security forces, the army will be back on the streets to ensure no one breaches the stay-at-home guidance without an emergency reason from 6am to Aug 5 midnight. There were speculations that the government would defer the lockdown, but State Minister for Public Administration Farhad Hossain on Thursday confirmed… Read More »