Day 4 gm diet

By | July 29, 2020

day 4 gm diet

The GM diet aims to help people lose weight by focusing on a specific food or food group each day for a week. According to one GM diet plan website, this diet helps users lose at least 10—17 pounds in 1 week. It claims to promote weight loss by burning calories without affecting mood or energy levels. However, this plan may exclude essential nutrients, and it might not be a sustainable long-term weight-loss strategy. In this article, we look at the GM diet in more detail, including how it works and its benefits and risks. GM stands for General Motors. Some sources claim that the General Motors corporation developed and endorsed this diet plan to help its employees lose weight. People following the GM diet are likely to lose weight because it involves taking in fewer calories than a person uses up.

Dayy is the food permit for the day. Drink sugarless fruit juice after every meal or snack to complement the nutrient-rich vegetables. Day then, bananas and milk treated my upset stomach and I changed diet mind the next morning. If absolutely required, olive oil or butter can be used sparingly for flavour.

Photo by Ryan McGuire. Would you try a diet that required you to eat eight bananas in one day? We love bananas, but…really? Rumored to have been developed by General Motors to help employees and their dependents stay healthy, this plan was allegedly put together in conjunction with the U. Department of Agriculture, the U. Think that sounds fishy? So did we.

Gm diet 4 day

For all the banana cravings you had in the first 3 days of GM diet, day 4 brings you a surprise in the form of only bananas for this day. That is the food permit for the day. Cheers for you have survived all your temptations and urges to indulge, without deviating from your diet. And by now you are almost at lbs less than what you began with. Some may even be at lbs off their starting weight. Which is commendable and inspiring. The only foods permitted for GM diet day 4 are Milk, bananas, and soup in addition to water. While it may sound tough when you read it the first time, but progressing day by day and coming to day 4 of GM diet is an organic and easier transition.

Read More:  Piyo diet plan and food list pdf

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