Diabetic diet in creole

By | April 29, 2021

diabetic diet in creole

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Developed in concert with Trividia Health, this set of Low-Level Literacy Diabetes Self-Care Patient Guides presents information in basic, clearly understandable language and features a variety of illustrations and visuals to simplify their messages. They are available in six languages English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French and Haitian Creole, bringing you 14 different topics relevant to patients with diabetes. Take part in a dedicated community of providers, patients, and partners working to improve care for underserved communities and access vital benefits. Join Us! General Diabetes Patient Education Handouts Developed in concert with Trividia Health, this set of Low-Level Literacy Diabetes Self-Care Patient Guides presents information in basic, clearly understandable language and features a variety of illustrations and visuals to simplify their messages. Join the ACU Take part in a dedicated community of providers, patients, and partners working to improve care for underserved communities and access vital benefits.

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