Is Lurpak Butter Healthy?

By | October 1, 2021

Lurpak is one of the leading brands of butter sold in the UK. While more than 800,000 packets are sold each year, butter is traditionally thought of as bad for you, rather than good. But what is the truth about Lurpak butter? Is it healthy?

In this article, we investigate this popular brand of butter and look at the butter variants they sell, including the spreadable versions, to see just how healthy Lurpak is.

butter on a piece of bread

What are the ingredients in Lurpak butter?

First, let’s look at the ingredients for clues about just how healthy Lurpak butter is.

There are several different types of Lurpak. These include salted butter, unsalted butter, Lurpak Block Butter, Lurpak Spreadable, Lurpak Lighter, and Lurpak Lightest. In this article we are mostly concerned with Lurpak Spreadable as this is the type of butter people feel most confused about.

Lurpak Butter was launched in the UK in 1985. Originally a Danish Company, the Lurpak brand was formed by an amalgamation of Danish farmers who joined forces to sell more butter. In other countries, you also get Lurpak with Crushed Garlic, Lurpak Margarine, Lurpak Olive Oil spread, and Lurpak Cheese Spread.

Ingredients in the slightly salted Block Butter version of Lurpak include:

  • Butter (from milk)
  • Lactic Culture (from milk)
  • Salt

Unsalted Lurpak contains butter and Lactic Culture. In its spreadable form, unsalted Lurpak contains both rapeseed oil and water to soften the mix.

Lactic cultures are bacteria added to dairy products to help with the fermentation process. They also help to create a richer flavour.

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The Lurpak Lighter Slightly Salted block butter contains only butter, water, and salt.

Both the Lurpak Slightly Salted Spreadable version and the Lurpak Lighter Slightly Salted Spreadable version contain:

  • Butter (from Milk)
  • Rapeseed Oil
  • Water
  • Lactic Culture (from Milk)
  • And salt.

The difference between these two is that the Lighter version has only 40% butter, while the Slightly Salted Spreadable Lurpak has 64% butter.

Lurpak Lightest Spreadable has the same ingredients as the Lurpak Spreadable versions but contains only 26% butter. It also contains milk proteins.

Lurpak butterIngredients

Lurpak Block Butter, Slightly SaltedButter (Milk), Lactic Culture (Milk), Salt, Minimum Fat Content 80%

Lurpak Lighter Slightly Salted Block ButterButter (Milk), Water, Salt

Lurpak Slightly Salted SpreadableButter (64%) (Milk), Rapeseed Oil, Water, Lactic Culture (Milk), Salt

Lurpak Lighter Slightly Salted SpreadableButter (40% (Milk), Water, Rapeseed Oil, Lactic Culture (Milk), Salt

Lurpak Lightest SpreadableWater, Butter (26%) (Milk), Rapeseed Oil, Lactic Culture (Milk), Milk Protein, Salt

Lurpak Butter Nutrition

The different versions of Lurpak Butter tend to have different percentages of fat content. There are also differences in the amount of salt contained within, as indicated on the label. For example, the unsalted version contains less than 0.01g of salt.

All types of Lurpak have less than 1g of carbohydrate and protein except for the lightest spreadable version, which has 3.3g of protein.  

Lurpak Block Butter Slightly Salted contains only 1.2g of salt per 100g and has the highest salt content of all the Lurpak products commonly sold in the UK. This may seem high but when compared to their lead competitor (Anchor butter), it is average. A 100g portion of Anchor spreadable butter contains 1.1g salt. However, they have 1.7g of salt in their block version, which is a big difference.

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Does Lurpak Butter Have Any Vitamins and Minerals?

Lurpak butter does not have added vitamins and minerals. However, butter has naturally occurring vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, B12 and K2. Although, when you consume butter you won’t be having large quantities of these vitamins as butter is normally eaten only in moderate amounts.

Lurpak Butter Fat Content

Where the block butter original version has 80% fat content, the Lurpak Lighter slightly salted block butter version has only 61% fat content.

Lurpak Lightest Spreadable has the least amount of fat at 40g per 100g portion.

Lurpak butter is fatty but does not contain unhealthy hydrogenated fats that can raise blood cholesterol levels. It is low in polyunsaturated fats when compared to other spreads.

Lurpak Lightest Spreadable has the least amount of saturated fats (15g per 100 g). Lurpak Slightly Salted Spreadable has 35g of saturated fats.

Compared to other butters, Lurpak Lighter Spreadable can be used in weight loss although it must be used in moderation.

What are the Calories of Lurpak Butters?

Original Lurpak Block Butter with salt is the most calorific. It has 739 calories per 100g. The Lurpak Lightest Spreadable version has only 376 calories. Lurpak Spreadable has 706 calories per 100g.

Is Lurpak Butter High in Cholesterol?

While standard block butter does contain cholesterol, there is reportedly no cholesterol in a portion of Lurpak Slightly Salted Spreadable Butter. However, dietary cholesterol and your cholesterol levels are different things. While previously believed that cholesterol was eaten, research now shows there is little that links the two.

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What we do now know, is that cholesterol levels in your body rise in response to saturated fat content. An average tablespoon of butter contains about 3.1 g of cholesterol and about 7.2g of saturated fats. Lurpak Spreadable Slightly Salted contains 5.2g of saturated fats and since it contains less of the actual butter, it also contains less cholesterol.

Is Lurpak Butter Good or Bad for You?

Is Lurpak good for you? It isn’t as good for you as having no butter at all might be. It has fewer complex fats in it than many margarines, which rely on trans fats and hydrogenated vegetable oils. The fat level in Lurpak Butter is high, as it will be with all butters. However, it is better for you than processed fats since the ingredients are simple.

Butter is generally high in calories so it should be consumed in moderation to avoid weight gain but spreadable versions, especially the lighter variations, are lower in calories. This makes the lighter version of Lurpak better for those on a diet or seeking to lose weight.

Lastly, Lurpak is reasonably low in salt when compared to other butters. However, if you are watching your salt intake, they do offer the unsalted version. Those trying to lower their blood pressure, who have kidney diseases, or who are dealing with heart disease, may want to opt for the unsalted version instead.

To conclude, Lurpak is not bad for you if you use it in moderation and opt for the lighter version if you are watching your weight.

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