Congress.gov: “H.R.1978 — Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act of 2021,” “S.912 — Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act of 2021.”
EnergyCommerceHouse.gov: “L.J. Tan, MS, PhD, Chief Strategy Officer, Immunization Action Coalition, Testimony Before the House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Health.”
Avalere: “Medicare Part D Plans Continue to Require Cost Sharing for Vaccines.”
Immunization Action Coalition: “IAC Funding.”
Adult Vaccine Access Coalition: “AVAC Protecting Seniors Support 3_15_21.”
America’s Health Insurance Plans: “AHIP Statement EC Health Sub Hearing on Vaccines.”
Medicare Payment and Advisory Commission: “Medicare Payment and Advisory Commission Releases Report on Medicare and the Health Care Delivery System.”