Do almonds contain arsenic?

Almonds are considered a healthy snack as they contain a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, manganese and magnesium. They also contain healthy fats and are high in protein and fibre. Many people are not aware that you can also find some harmful substances in almonds, for example, glycoside amygdalin. This is… Read More »

Two different assessments of COVID-19 pandemic news coverage

June 24, 2021 Posted By Categories Gary Schwitzer is the founder and publisher of HealthNewsReview. He has covered health care news almost exclusively since 1973. Here is his online bio.  He tweets as @garyschwitzer or as @HealthNewsRevu. Two new journalistic analyses of 2020-2021 pandemic news coverage were released this week.  I was interviewed in each of them. Science… Read More »

Improving Medication Compliance with Connected Pill Bottles and More: Interview with Chris O’Brien, CEO at AdhereTech

AdhereTech, a medtech company based in New York City, has developed the Aidia Smart Bottle (previously known as the Smart Pill Bottle), a connected pill bottle that helps to increase medication compliance using lights, audio alerts, and text message reminders. The bottle will remind patients to take their medication and remind them if they have… Read More »