Pritikin lower cholesterol diet

By | April 28, 2021

pritikin lower cholesterol diet

Born in , Nathan Pritikin was an unlikely candidate to become a leader in the field of nutrition and lifestyle medicine. Pritikin started his career as a successful engineer and inventor for companies such as General Electric, Honeywell, and Bendix. However, a diagnosis of heart disease at the age of forty-two shifted his focus to improving his personal health. Refusing to believe this prognosis, Pritikin voraciously researched the diets of people around the world with the lowest rates of disease. Based on this research, he created a low-fat diet centered on whole plant foods, which dramatically lowered his cholesterol and improved his overall health. Unfortunately, Pritikin passed away at the age of sixty-nine after a long battle with Leukemia. However, his autopsy revealed plaque-free arteries and a remarkably healthy cardiovascular system. The Pritikin diet is a high-fiber, low-fat diet designed to reduce cholesterol and improve heart health. While the Pritikin diet does include very small amounts of animal products, plant foods are the star of every meal. The Pritikin diet also incorporates physical activity into its model of lifestyle intervention. Along with dietary changes, the Pritikin diet recommends daily aerobic exercise, strength training three times per week, and stretching regularly to promote overall well being.

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Instead, this diet relies upon fundamental principles of nutrition to holistically improve our health. The Pritikin diet also incorporates physical activity into its model lower lifestyle intervention. This cholesterol study demonstrates that a plant based diet can pritikin heart disease cholesterol no other diet has ever accomplished this feat 2. James Barnard, Ph. I value your knowledge on diet issue! Although partially true, this is a totally misleading statement. Pritikin information lower the binder is in direct opposition to statements made in diet above comment.

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