Raw food diet for spaniels

By | October 21, 2020

raw food diet for spaniels

Years ago, I loved going to the pet store and dissecting bags of dog food. There were certainly enough compelling reasons to take that leap of faith. After just a few months of feeding my dogs kibble, I began to wonder about what I was feeding. And if you want a reason, check out this post: Why Feed Raw. And those are very valid concerns …I too was frightened about feeding real bones to my dogs … especially back then when nobody else was. Change is scary and I know you love your dog a lot. If you ask any dog owner who has fed raw for more than a few weeks if they would ever go back to kibble I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get started. My dogs are lucky to have this kind of team behind them.

You might be looking for a Spaniel food alternative to give them healthier puppy food than the Pedigree rubbish their breeder was feeding. Or, your dog could hate kibble like mine! Been there, done that. This post contains affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here. My Sprocker puppy, Hugo, was a nightmare with his food. So, we switched him to raw. Research shows the benefits of raw food for dogs include. The only problem? So I put-off raw feeding for months. They do raw food subscriptions tailored to your Spaniel. Your first parcel will arrive within a few days, and further parcels are sent based on the schedule you picked.

The BARF diet bones and raw food is becoming increasingly popular. Find out why many pet owners are changing and understand the benefits and risks of a raw dog food diet to help you decide whether or not it’s right for your Cocker. It contains foods similar to those a dog wolf would have eaten in the wild and is made up of mainly raw meat and bones, such as. Pork and wild game can only be safely eaten if the meat is properly cooked. This will kill off any parasites or bacteria within the meat. Bones one the other hand, should never be cooked as they become brittle and can splinter and choke your dog, or pierce his digestive system. Your Cocker shouldn’t eat just one type of meat. Instead, he should eat a good variety of raw meats to help him absorb the different nutritional values of each meat source.

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