What are side effects to keto diet

By | June 3, 2021

what are side effects to keto diet

The keto diet is often called a fad diet. Make no mistake: it is. But unlike other trendy diets, the keto diet is unique because it actually pushes the body into an alternate, natural metabolic state called ketosis. When this happens, you can reliably expect a few negative side effects, notably those that come with the “keto flu. Here are a few of the worst side effects of the keto diet, most of which can be avoided with some careful planning. What’s likely to happen when you cut out common sources of fiber from your diet? A study involving children on the keto diet showed that regular constipation was extremely common among participants, affecting about 65 percent of them. The microbiome has been implicated in everything from immune function to mental health. Still, the keto diet doesn’t need to lead to fiber deficiency: avocados, flaxseed, almonds, pecans and chia seeds can all provide fiber while still keeping you in ketosis — when consumed in the right amounts. Any diet that prohibits you from eating many types of fruits, vegetables and other foods is bound to leave you vulnerable to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and it’s for this reason many doctors only advise going on the keto diet over the short term. The keto diet can be used for short-term fat loss, as long as it is under medical supervision.

The microbiome has been implicated in everything from immune function to mental health. Just be diligent about brushing your teeth! Temporary hair loss. Yes, you might drop pounds, but you should also watch out for the following side effects or complications. The result? Since loss of salt and water is responsible for most keto flu issues, increasing your intake of both can help reduce your symptoms significantly and often eliminate them altogether. Plus, the American Heart Association says that going overboard on saturated fat—which can be easy to do on a keto diet if you eat a lot of meat, butter, and cheese—can up your risk for heart problems. Falls are the top cause of death from injury in older populations, according to the Institute of Medicine Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. You can also follow our keto recipes, which have enough fat in relation to carbs and protein. Health Tools.

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The low-carb, high-fat plan promises quick weight loss, but health experts worry about these side effects and complications. The ketogenic diet—also known as the “keto diet” or just “keto”—has become the latest big thing in weight-loss plans, touted recently by celebs like Jenna Jameson, Mama June, and Halle Berry. The diet involves cutting way back on carbohydrates, to 50 grams a day or less, to help the body achieve a state of ketosis, in which it has to burn fat rather than sugar for energy. Animal studies have also suggested that the diet may have anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and cancer-fighting benefits, as well. But as a general weight-loss plan, keto is more controversial. Here are a few things you should know about the ketogenic diet before you try it as a way to lose weight. Yes, you might drop pounds, but you should also watch out for the following side effects or complications. You may be able to minimize the effects of keto flu by drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of sleep. Axe, who sells keto-related supplements on his website, also recommends incorporating natural energy sources to battle fatigue, like matcha green tea, organic coffee, or adaptogenic herbs. Yes, people are tweeting about keto diarrhea. It can also be caused by an intolerance to dairy or artificial sweeteners—things you might be eating more of since switching to a high-fat, low-carb lifestyle.

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