Author Archives: Health

Yes, There’s a New St. Patrick’s Day-Themed ‘Masked Singer’ on Tonight

Yep, your best friend/mortal enemy Masked Singer is on tonight with a special TWO-HOUR EPISODE featuring TWO ELIMINATIONS! If you had other plans (lol, what are those?), go ahead and cancel them so you don’t miss a minute of what is sure to be a wild nightmare-inducing, possibly traumatizing ride. Tonight’s episode is called “Super… Read More »

Classic ketogenic diet food list

Russell Wilder at the Mayo Clinic for the treatment of epilepsy. Although a ratio is considered the gold-standard for classic Keto, a ratio is also included in descriptions of classic KD in most publications. Notwithstanding, classic Keto is an individualized and structured diet that provides specific meal plans. Foods are weighed and meals should be… Read More »

Whats allowed on liquid diet

A full liquid diet is made up only of fluids and foods that are normally liquid and foods that turn to liquid when they are at room temperature, like ice cream. It also includes. You may need to be on a full liquid diet right before a medical test or procedure, or before certain kinds… Read More »