Author Archives: Health

Too much fat in diet leads to what

Are you are finding it difficult to lose weight on a whole foods diet? On the other hand, an elite athlete who needs about 3, calories each day to maintain weight could eat as much as grams of total fat in one day. These are very healthy fats that play a role in the health… Read More »

Baby food diet for adults

Celebrities may give this diet fad more credit than it’s due, but adults should steer clear of a baby food diet for several reasons. Celebrities have quite the knack for causing a stir when they release their “diet secrets,” and this week is no different. Her tone is clearly joking, but tucked in the third… Read More »

Vegan diet reduces cholesterol

I remain a proud and passionate vegan, now and forever. Saturated fat reduces cholesterol levels and is primarily found reduces meat and full-fat dairy products, according vegan the Diet Heart Cholesterol AHA. Reduces the participants in the non-vegan group completed the study. You can be diet our editors closely monitor every feedback sent and will… Read More »