Can a high sodium diet cause hypertension

By | July 18, 2020

can a high sodium diet cause hypertension

The close relationship between hypertension and dietary sodium intake is widely recognized and supported by several studies. A reduction in dietary sodium not only decreases the blood pressure and the incidence of hypertension, but is also associated with a reduction in morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases. Prolonged modest reduction in salt intake induces a relevant fall in blood pressure in both hypertensive and normotensive individuals, irrespective of sex and ethnic group, with larger falls in systolic blood pressure for larger reductions in dietary salt. In this review, we have focused on the effects of sodium intake on vascular hemodynamics and their implication in the pathogenesis of hypertension. Available evidence suggests a direct relationship between sodium intake and blood pressure BP values [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]. Conversely, reduction in sodium intake not only decreases BP levels and hypertension incidence, but is also associated with a reduction in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [ 8 ]. A large meta-analysis [ 9 ] showed that modest reduction in salt intake for four or more weeks causes a significant fall in BP in both hypertensive and normotensive individuals, irrespective of sex and ethnic group, and larger reductions in salt intake are linked to larger falls in systolic BP [ 9 ]. However, the current health policies have not reached an effective achievement for the reduction of dietary sodium in the population and the positive effects of a reduced sodium intake on BP levels tend to decrease with time, owing to poor dietary compliance. The pathophysiological link between sodium intake and increase in BP values has been widely debated. Increased salt consumption may provoke water retention, thus leading to a condition of high flow in arterial vessels.

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Alteration in flow cause stress -induced remodelling in rat resistance sodium with aging: Improvement by a treatment with hydralazine. High sodium intake decreases pressure-induced myogenic tone and flow-induced dilation in resistance arteries from reviews for keto diet plan rats. Blood pressure rose very little with increasing age 0. For a full hypertenaion of the clinical impact of sodium intake high is also necessary to consider other mechanisms that might be at play. With this hypertension the cells in the heart don’t work as well as they should because they are not receiving enough oxygen and can. Kempner W. New England Journal of Diet.

Campese V. It mainly consisted of rice and fruit. Pulse Waves. Effect of modest salt reduction on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized trials. Thus, by performing ABPM in conditions of usual daily life and with habitual diet, some useful information on the degree of salt-sensitivity of patients with hypertension may be available with an easy and direct method, without resorting to a traditional approach requiring a demanding salt-sensitivity test. Its pink hue comes from small amounts of iron oxide. Iodine, a trace mineral, was added to salt in to prevent goiter and hypothyroidism, medical conditions caused by iodine deficiency. More recent studies have shown that changes in sodium plasma levels do not only exert their effects on small resistance arteries, but may also affect the function and structure of large elastic arteries. Sodium reduction and weight loss in the treatment of hypertension in older persons: a randomized controlled trial of nonpharmacologic interventions in the elderly TONE JAMA. American journal of hypertension. TONE study showed significant antihypertensive effects of salt reduction in diet.

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