Category Archives: Health News

Does a plant based diet prevent cancer

This report reviews current evidence regarding the relationship between vegetarian eating patterns and cancer risk. Although plant-based diets including vegetarian and vegan diets are generally considered to be cancer protective, very few studies have directly addressed this question. No long-term randomized clinical trials have been conducted to address this relationship. However, a broad body of… Read More »

Benefitss of a heart healthy diet

All A-Z health topics. View all pages in this section. Heart-healthy eating is an important way to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. Heart disease is the number 1 cause of death for American women. Stroke is the number 3 cause of death. You also should eat less food with added sugar, calories,… Read More »

What is allowed on ketogenic diet

Product Reviews. Unprocessed and minimally processed i. Improves Weight Loss Overweight and obese individuals have had tremendous success with weight loss following the keto diet. If you’re looking for an example of a keto meal plan, you’re in luck. Keto Tex-Mex casserole. Eat once in a while perhaps. Lunch: Kale salad with chicken and avocado… Read More »

Risks and benefits of keto diet

Written By Natalie Helms. So for bnefits with diabetes who may be dissuaded by your article. However, staying on the ketogenic diet long-term can have an risks effect on health, including an increased risk of the following health problems. Benefits in mind that studies on the long-term benefits of the ketogenic diet are lacking. Cutting… Read More »