Food insecurity and poverty poor diets hispanic

By | October 26, 2020

food insecurity and poverty poor diets hispanic

Food insecurity has been associated with negative health outcomes, but the relationship between psychological distress and food insecurity among ethnic minorities has not been extensively examined in the literature. The goal of this study was to evaluate whether low food security and very low food security were significantly associated with past month serious psychological distress SPD among Hispanic adults living in poverty. The relationship between food insecurity and SPD was evaluated by using survey-weighted univariate and logistic regression analyses. Low food security and very low food security were associated with 1. We found that food insecurity was prevalent among Hispanic people living in poverty and was significantly associated with past month SPD. These results demonstrate the need for further targeted public health efforts, such as community gardens led by promotores, faith-based initiatives, and initiatives to reduce barriers to participation in food-assistance programs. Food insecurity is significantly associated with worse health outcomes. For instance, low household food security results in reduced consumption of healthy food among Hispanic children 3, 4 and in substance abuse among Hispanic women 5. In a qualitative study, Quandt et al examined the negative psychological effects of food insecurity, especially those related to fear due to lack of immigration documents, embarrassment, and guilt 6. Such results indicate the need for further quantitative assessment to investigate the role of food insecurity in the psychological health of the US Hispanic population. We evaluated the relationship between food security status and serious psychological distress SPD in the past month among Hispanics living in poverty, using the largest state health population-based survey in the United States.

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Am J Epidemiol ; : – Conclusion Among this rural Latino population, food insecurity was independently associated with not having control of the intermediate diabetes outcomes captured in the composite nad, not receiving dilated eye and foot exams, and with self-reporting cost-related medication underuse.

HHJ was a coauthor on the grant, supervised the management of the original data files and the WESVAR and initial SAS analyses, contributed to the interpretation of results, reviewed the literature, and edited the manuscript. Compliance with expert population-based dietary guidelines and lower odds of carotid atherosclerosis in women: the Framingham Nutrition Studies. Are we willing to accept cuts aimed at programs such as SNAP that help the most vulnerable while leaving in place special interest subsidies for oil companies with record-breaking profits? Since healthcare utilization was controlled for, the reason for this finding is complex and multifactorial and likely includes provider and health system factors in addition to patient factors other than food insecurity. Neighborhood physical conditions and health. The overall measure of food insufficiency, however, was not significantly associated with differences in intake of any macronutrient. Ethnicity, race, sex, education, and income are posited as key dimensions of underlying disparities in health 1. Several indicators of low socioeconomic status were associated with individual indicators of an increase in the risk of food insufficiency: household head had a low educational level or was an agricultural worker, household income was low, the household head was female, and the household received food stamps. The associations of acculturation contrasting speaking English only with speaking Spanish only or speaking Spanish and English and income with energy and nutrient intakes were examined, controlling for key demographic, socioeconomic, and federal assistance program factors Table 2. The sample weights were designed to represent the entire US Hispanic population. The goal of this study was to evaluate whether low food security and very low food security were significantly associated with past month serious psychological distress SPD among Hispanic adults living in poverty.

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Household food security in the United States, Regression coefficients from analysis of covariance for energy and nutrient intakes among Hispanic youth in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1. A community-based obesity prevention program for minority children: rationale and study design for Hip-Hop to Health Jr. Atlanta, GA: U. Unity Declaration on Racism and Poverty A diverse body of Christian leaders calls on the churches and Congress to focus on the integral connection. The prevalence of female-headed households among Hispanics Low food security and very low food security were associated with 1. Am J Clin Nutr ; 72 : — 8. Acknowledgments No sources of funding were used in this study.

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