Tag Archives: dash

Dash diet app for my fitness pal

This does make it pricey for a dietary app accessed through an app, though it’s still much cheaper than paying for fitness on-call personal for — which is essentially what you get here. All of the above nutrients firness, but sodium deserves a special callout as the daeh most of us associate with dash blood… Read More »

Dash diet phrase one

A stricter version of the diet sees you decrease your sodium intake to a mere 1,mg a day. This would include 1 cup of skim milk or low-fat yogurt. Even low-sodium chocolate is off the list because of its high carb value. It is a diet that was created and promoted by the American National… Read More »

Dash diet shrimp stir fry

Mediterranean shrimp stir fry — a simple, delicious and healthy way to serve up a Greek inspired dinner. Overall, eating Greek food is eating Mediterranean food, and with that comes a whole world of healthy recipes that we like to share. Take this shrimp recipe for example. We love to eat shrimp, and tend to… Read More »

Dash diet rice noodle

Lean meat, poultry and fish: 6 or fewer servings a day Meat can be a rich source of protein, B vitamins, iron and zinc, but is also high in cholesterol and fat — bad for your blood pressure! Transfer to a clean cutting board or plate. Fold the sides of the rice paper over the… Read More »