The reason you should do the paleo diet

By | June 17, 2021

the reason you should do the paleo diet

Contact contact promaxnutrition. January 12, If you have been thinking of starting a paleo diet, now is the time to put that plan into action. The paleo diet takes you back to your ancestral roots, eating only foods that were available in the Paleolithic era. This return to a simpler lifestyle has a number of benefits for your health as well as your exercise plan. Here are five reasons why you should take the next step and go paleo today. Reduce Your Toxin Intake — Going paleo means eating like our ancestors did.

The Paleolithic era was the longest period in human history, beginning some two million years ago and concluding around 10, BC. During this age our ancestors lived in small nomadic bands of hunter-gatherers and it is believed that they subsisted on vegetables, fruits, nuts, meat, fish, and shellfish. With the arrival of agricultural revolution, so ended the Old Stone Age. As farming practices were developed, beginning with the cultivation of wheat, maize, and rice, for the first time in history humans were able to stockpile food. No longer needing to hunt, gather, and scavenge daily, early humans were able to enjoy much more leisure time. Leading to art, writing, science, trade, and the building of cities, it was, essentially, the dawn of modern civilization. Progressing from a diet wholly based on protein, produce and healthy fats to one that includes processed foods, grains, legumes, and dairy was, according to proponents of the Paleo diet, an unnatural transition. Anatomically-speaking, humans are the same now as they were , years ago and we remain genetically adapted to the foods we ate then. It is thought that the diseases of civilization cancer, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes — to name a few are a result of our bodies being maladapted to a western diet. The rise of these present-day ailments can be understood as a mismatch between our genes and the foods we consume. While it is impossible to truly mimic the diet of Paleolithic humans the plants and animals they consumed have long since gone extinct, the basic principles of a modernized Paleo diet are as follows. Do Eat: Grass-fed meats, fish and seafood, eggs, nuts, seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats like olive, coconut, walnut, avocado, and flaxseed oils.

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Should the the you paleo diet reason do

Basic Myths. Older Post. Preventative Care. Marc Bubbs. Another study had similar results, concluding that eating a Paleo diet for just two weeks improved the conditions of metabolic syndrome as compared shoild the control group who followed conventional dietary guidelines. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

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