Your Sex Horoscope for the Month of July 2021

By | July 16, 2021

Happy July, Amodrn family! Because it’s officially summer and we’re ready to get hot, hot hot! The stars have some fun things planned for us. We’re talking acitivities have have little to do with the outside and all about the bedroom. We’re talking sex, baby. The sun is moving from Cancer into fiery Leo this month, and that means that you’ll have somewhat of a busier schedule, if you know what I mean. We’ve put together a little guide on what’s to come for you for the month of July in terms of sexual activity. Keep reading for more on your July sex horoscope!

sex horoscope
Image: Emiliano Vittoriosi via Unsplash

Your 2021 July Horoscope


Aries, this month is all about exploration for you. Take things to a place you’ve only been dreaming of. There’s no time like the present to go to the next level, and we encourage you to go for it fully.


Taurus, we know you’re usually the type to go for commitment, so if you’re in a relationship, we encourage you to show said commitment by being giving to your partner. Nuture them and get nutured in return.


Gemini, because you’ve got the best of both worlds in your sign. We encourage you to enjoy the foreplay when it comes to the bedroom. You need to make sure you take it slow to build up the tension between your partner and you.


Cancer, if you want to take it slow, but all means do it. We’re recommending that you feel super comfortable in the way you have sex. Getting yourself in a place where you have an emotional connection with someone is the way to do it.

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Leo, it’s all about making sure you have a witty banter with someone before you hop in the sack. You’re ready for some action that’s fun and exciting and it’s all about that fire between you and someone.

Virgo, it’s all about communication for you. Make sure that you have a connection with someone that you can tell what you like and don’t like. You’re a perfectionist and having honesty between you and your lover is key.


Libra, this month is all about you coming out of your shell. Express affection, love, and space for yourself. You will get it in return.


Scorpio, this transition into Leo has you doubling your romance capabilties. You’re ready to shower your partner or lover with so much love. Don’t go too overboard if you know they’re not as into romance as you, but definitely give plan some fun dates.

See also

march horoscope


Interested in a partnership, Sagittarius? Are you ready for commitment? If you are, this is the perfect time to meet someone. Leo season is super flirty, fun, and all energetically aligned for you to meet your dream person.


Capricorn, it’s time to bring out your kinky side. You are an explorer in life, so why not be one in the bedroom? What’s really holding you back? You are super fun in your sex life. The summer heat will take you to a new level.


Aquarius, we suggest you add to your toy and sexual wellness collection this month. Get a great lubrication, a fun vibrator, or maybe some handcuffs to explore your creative side.

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Pisces, it’s time for you to be a little flirtier in life. Your sex horoscope says that you’re a bit serious when it comes to romance, but sometimes it’s good to just let loose and let fun flow. If you have a partner, try to translate this into your sex lie as well.
