Best Home Remedies for Poison Ivy

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published July 8, 2017. Poison ivy, oak and sumac are closely related plants, and may be found growing in similar environments. In fact, all three grow throughout the U.S. except Hawaii, Alaska and parts of Nevada.1 Poison ivy is found throughout the U.S.; poison sumac… Read More »

Health Benefits of Moringa

The choices we make every day can have a significant impact on our health and wellness. I’d like to share some of the multiple evidence-based health benefits of the Moringa oleifera plant. I’ve shared some of these before, but in light of the growing disease burden and health care costs, you may find it helpful… Read More »

8 Simple Rules America’s Longest-Living People Follow

People have been searching for a way to lengthen life for centuries. Research1 into the lifestyle choices made by people in the Seventh-day Adventist church has identified several factors contributing to their long lives, with men living an average 7.3 years longer and women an average 4.4 years longer than non-Adventists in the same geographical… Read More »