Tag Archives: intake

Why Reducing PUFA Intake During Pregnancy Is Crucial for the Health of Your Children

Fats — which are water-insoluble biological molecules also known as lipids1 — are the primary building block of your cell membranes. This is one of the reasons why eating the right types of fat is so important for your health and longevity. Your choice of dietary fats during pregnancy is also crucial for the health… Read More »

Max calorie intake keto diet

Updated Jun 7th, — Written by Craig Clarke. Medical review by Dr. Aastha Kalra, DO. Calorie counting is a great tool for people to use to get a rough idea of caloric intakes, as well as a way to pinpoint mistakes they might have made if they hit a plateau. You might have been told… Read More »

Post-lockdown Instagram juice diets have 5 times recommended sugar intake

Experts have warned Brits against post-lockdown juice diets loaded with up to FIVE times the recommended intake of sugar. A Sunday People investigation found diet plans promoted on Instagram in which users replace food with juice for up to 10 days, restricting themselves to as little as 430 calories a day. The four companies we… Read More »