Tag Archives: health

Why Reducing PUFA Intake During Pregnancy Is Crucial for the Health of Your Children

Fats — which are water-insoluble biological molecules also known as lipids1 — are the primary building block of your cell membranes. This is one of the reasons why eating the right types of fat is so important for your health and longevity. Your choice of dietary fats during pregnancy is also crucial for the health… Read More »

Health Benefits of Moringa

The choices we make every day can have a significant impact on our health and wellness. I’d like to share some of the multiple evidence-based health benefits of the Moringa oleifera plant. I’ve shared some of these before, but in light of the growing disease burden and health care costs, you may find it helpful… Read More »

Basic Tips for Optimal Health

May 8, 2023, I was interviewed by Polly Tommey on the Children’s Health Defense Tea Time program. In it, I reviewed several of my top diet and lifestyle strategies that will help optimize your health, with a focus on my latest revisions and updates. As most of you know, health is my passion. I’ve been… Read More »