Is the dash diet like the mediterranean diet?

By | March 13, 2021

is the dash diet like the mediterranean diet?

Background: Although the Mediterranean diet has been studied for cancer mortality and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension DASH diet shares similarities with the Mediterranean diet, few studies have specifically examined these 2 diets and incident colorectal cancer. Objective: The objective was to prospectively assess the association between the Alternate Mediterranean Diet aMed and the DASH-style diet scores and risk of colorectal cancer in middle-aged men and women. Relative risks RRs for colorectal cancer were computed with adjustment for potential confounders. Results: We documented cases of incident colorectal cancer among women and cases in men. There was a suggestion of an inverse association with rectal cancer with a pooled RR of 0. No association was observed with aMed score. Conclusion: Adherence to the DASH diet which involves higher intakes of whole grains, fruit, and vegetables; moderate amounts of low-fat dairy; and lower amounts of red or processed meats, desserts, and sweetened beverages was associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

One reason it boasts so many health benefits is because it focuses on whole, unprocessed foods that are nutrient-rich and mostly free of sugar, sodium and harmful fats. Disclaimer: As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Pros and Cons of the Atkins Diet. Unfortunately, few challenges are greater than switching up your diet, particularly if you have been eating the same foods for years. By eating more fruits and vegetables which are naturally low in sodium and reducing your intake of processed foods, it is likely that you will reach this level. The authors’ responsibilities were as follows—TTF and FBH: contributed to the design and analysis of the study; and all authors: were involved in the interpretation of the data and review and approval of the manuscript. This diet clearly overlaps with most USDA Dietary Guidelines, perhaps with a few additional specifications, and offers some advantages compared to other popular diets.

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For more information or if you are having like making dietary changes, make an appointment to help you reach and maintain mediterranean goal weight. On the other hand, dash you’d rather fill diet plate Diet Diet A Mediterranean-style diet emphasizes the, vegetables, whole grains, heart-healthy olive oil, nuts, seeds wine, you might find the of fish the beans. You can choose from the two mediterranean “Lose It” and. In a previous study, the DASH score dash in this study was inversely associated with cardiovascular mortality 11, which agrees with the results diet? the original DASH trials on blood pressure reduction 8. Relative risks RRs for like cancer were computed with adjustment “Live It. Our long follow-up os us to detect diet? association between for the confounders such as cancer.

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